Bitter Tears

Feralas, year 33 ADP I did not sleep. I could not. There were too many thoughts and feelings churning inside of me and none of them would allow me a moment’s rest. I briefly contemplated leaving the tent I was staying in to join Aroki by the fire, but almost as soon as the treacherous... Continue Reading →

Lesson One

Feralas, year 33 ADP Last Winter Veil Aroki had promised me that he would allow me to teach him how to dance. He had agreed to three lessons, but so far we had not gotten around to make good on our deal. Not until now that is, almost a full year later. I admit I... Continue Reading →

A Gift of Safety

Aszhara, year 33 ADP They were fussing. Again. They did have reason for it, admittedly, but a part of me still resented it. I did not like feeling weak and helpless and I especially did not like having people worry over me needlessly. Moonglow had done good work. My wound was mostly healed and the... Continue Reading →

The Death Dance

Suramar, over 10 000 years ago “...and when the magisters arrived in the morning, they found Daelyn dead in the ballroom; his feet blistered and bloody. His heart had given out; exploded. Since then, no one has dared set foot inside Silverthorn Manor.” I looked at Agam’adil and found her staring back at me. Her... Continue Reading →

A Thousand Pieces

Valley of the Four Winds, year 33 ADP I stood in the doorway of the farmhouse and watched as the rain kept pouring down outside. Normally I loved rain. I loved to be outside in it, I loved to feel it against my skin, washing away all my troubles...but not tonight. Tonight the torrent seemed... Continue Reading →

The Dreamgrove

The Dreamgrove, Val'sharah, year 33 ADP I woke earlier than usual, a stray beam of sunlight sifting in through a crack in the wall and tickling my face. Blinking I turned away to nuzzle my nose against the crook of Luain’s neck, effectively shutting out the sun’s teasing. Luain’s arm tightened around me reflexively in... Continue Reading →

Making Amends

Moonglade, year 33 ADP Lake Elune’ara was still and smooth as a mirror in the pre-dawn light. I had long since discarded my sandals in favour of walking barefoot in the shallows, hoping that the chilly waters would help soothe my racing heart and aid in piercing through the moonglow induced haze that still clouded... Continue Reading →

One Day

Winterspring, year 33 ADP I stood in front of the familiar full length mirror in Agam’adil’s bedroom, naked but for my undergarments. I studied the woman in the mirror and shuddered; I had never in my life looked this terribly fragile. My skin was pulled taut across my bones and there was not an ounce... Continue Reading →

Vengeance and Blood

Darkshore, Year 33 ADP Vengeance fuelled me and a need for blood drove me. After the rest of the Sentinels had sought their rest I slipped away silently, stealing away on the back of a hippogryph and setting the course for the mainland. I landed on the outskirts of the smouldering ruins of Lor’danel. The... Continue Reading →

The Ashes of War

Darkshore, Year 33 ADP Long, grasping fingers of smoke curled up towards the sky. The dark tendrils converged into a thick blanket of all-encompassing darkness that covered the sky as far as the eye could see. The menacing cloud was thick enough to shut out the usually twinkling lights of the Moon's handmaidens, as well... Continue Reading →

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