
Feralas, year 34 ADP

I was back in Ashenvale again. The ground beneath and around me was drenched in blood, stained a dark purple that was bordering on black, and the cloying scent of it made me want to gag. Something heavy was weighing me down, preventing me from moving. I looked around frantically, my vision hazy and clouded, searching for some means of escape, a means of salvation; a saviour…but there was none. There was only death all around me. Dead sentinels with dim eyes staring up at the sky far above. Sentinels in their death throes, their pleas for help and cries of pain abruptly cut off by the wet sound of a knife being drawn across their throats; spilling more and more kaldorei blood to soak into the ground below. Dead orcs scattered around, but for every one of them, there were ten of us. Living orcs with death in their eyes; our executioners, making sure that each and every one of us would never rise again, butchering us like animals.

I did not want to die. The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. I did not want to die here, unable to move and fight back. I did not want to have my throat slit like an offering to some dark and twisted god. I did not want to share my Sisters’ fate; I wanted to live! But I knew that I was dying, I could feel my strength leaving me with every breath I took. I had sustained many wounds during the battle and my lifeblood was now saturating the earth below me. Even if I had had the energy to move, I could not. The weight of the dead orc and his wolf atop me prevented any movement and I could feel panic and dread fill me as my would-be executioners came ever closer. Any moment now they would be upon me and the Night Warrior would gather me and my Sisters’ souls and take us away from here. The thought brought scant comfort. I did not want to die!

Closer and closer now, I could hear them talking in their guttural tongue, I could smell their vile stench in the air around me. One of them stopped by me, the other continued on. The orc leant down and his hot and rancid breath hit my face. Death was upon me. Goddess, please, please do not let me die!


“Ravenmist? Are you alright?”
I was jolted back into the present by a voice close by me. It sounded familiar, but I could not place it. I tried to respond, but no words fell across my lips. My body refused to obey; curled in on itself, my arms wrapped as tightly as possible around my torso in a futile attempt to stop my shivering and trembling. My nails had dug through the thin cloth of my uniform and drawn blood beneath, but I couldn’t feel the pain. I couldn’t feel anything beyond the terror that still coursed through my veins.
“Tinwëtar, what happened?”
He was scanning my face, a look of concern in his eyes. I lifted my chin a little, in an effort to acknowledge that I had heard him. I still could not manage to unlock my tightly clenched jaw enough to form words. I just stared back at him; my eyes wide in fear and panic. He studied my face for a moment longer before carefully shifting to seat himself by my side and place a hand on my shoulder. I flinched involuntarily at the contact, struggling against the terror that suddenly threatened to overwhelm me once again.
“You’re safe now.”

I shook my head violently to convey that; no, I was not safe. Would never be safe. I was still trapped between my nightmarish memories and reality and I did not know what was real and what was not. Nothing and no one was safe.
“Tinwëtar, it’s Aroki…whatever caused this is gone now.”
The name sent a jolt of recognition coursing through me and I turned to look at him again. The masked features were familiar, even if the concern in his eyes was not. Aroki rarely, if ever, showed any sign of emotion. But it was there in his expression now and the reality around me became a bit more solid; a bit more real.
“Aroki…” my words came out hoarse as if I had been screaming for hours.
“I am here. What happened?”

Words were still hard to form, as tension still had my body locked up tight and I was shivering and trembling constantly, but I gave it my best effort and tried to explain. Though whatever I said was not entirely coherent.
“A game…I…reacted…enemy…Ashenvale…”
Aroki shifted beside me and took his hand away from my shoulder, only to open his arms wide in an invitation for me to hug him.
“Do not bottle this up.”
I hesitated, a voice at the back of my head reminding me that Aroki did not like physical contact; that hugs were uncomfortable for him. But another part of me, the stronger part, desperately needed what he was offering me at that moment. I needed to cling to something solid; something real. I needed the reassurance of another heartbeat against mine, I needed to feel safe…and Aroki was certainly that and more. My best friend, who always seemed to know when I needed him and what I needed from him. My best friend, who would set aside his own needs in an effort to help care for me when I broke into pieces again and again.

His arm came around me as I wrapped my arms around his waist in a tight hug; clinging to him as if he was my only lifeline in a world that was shattering around me. In some ways he was. Relief flooded through me as I buried my face at the junction between his neck and shoulder and inhaled his familiar scent. It steadied me, his presence calmed me, and I could finally allow my tears to fall and wash away the lingering terror and memories. Aroki let me cry and vent as much as I needed, just holding me snugly against him the entire time. The tension slowly drained away and I could eventually rest a bit more comfortably against his side.
“It has been some time since the last time this happened.”
“Yes, it has been. I had…I had hoped I was past it.” Hoarseness still made my voice barely louder than a whisper, but at least my speech was a bit more coherent now.
“What happened?”
I shifted a little, struggling for words. Noting my discomfort, Aroki spoke again.
“Take your time.”
“An acquaintance came by while I was reading…it was…pleasant enough to just talk. But he was curious about what I was reading. I did not want to tell him. He took it as a…a…challenge and…pounced on me…”
An involuntary shiver travelled down my spine and I tensed up at the memory, closing my eyes against it. My arms tightened reflexively around Aroki, hugging him even closer to me in an effort to seek comfort and safety.
“To him…it was a game…it sounds so silly now, I know…but to me…all I saw…all I knew…was a big, strong male pinning me down…and I panicked. I struggled and…and I tried to get free. I could not…he was after the book, but…he did not let go…so…so I called on the Goddess…used her power to push him off me and off the rock…he must have left after that. I do not remember when, or how long I have been out here…”
I could feel Aroki’s growl reverberate through his chest as I told my story and knowing that he was angry on my behalf made me feel a bit better.
“Idiots, some have no idea of personal space…you are safe now though, remember that.”
“Yes, I know. You have always inspired safety.” I sighed contentedly and snuggled a bit closer, silently marvelling at the fact that I was allowed this close even after my fear and anxiety had drained away.
“That is why I am here, to keep those close to me safe. Just remember you are strong, you always have been.”

Aroki’s words warmed me and I could feel the darkness of my lingering nightmares being pushed further and further away. I sent a thought of immense gratitude to Aroki for steering the conversation onto topics that sparked familiar banter between us and brought amusement to us both. It acted as a soothing balm against the previous fear and panic and I felt oddly content. Exhaustion was beginning to creep up on me though and it took tremendous effort to stay awake and follow the conversation. Aroki was speaking about the void cretin, Lynaerel, but not even the fact that she had appeared in Feralas made me rouse enough from my state of exhaustion to be seriously worried.
“There always has to be something causing trouble.” Aroki lamented and it made me smile a little.
“Indeed…though, this very moment seems to be fairly trouble-free.” I murmured as I closed my eyes; sleep threatening to claim me at any moment.
“Agreed, I will savour it while it lasts.”
His words made me feel all warm and fuzzy again, even if a part of me knew there had not been any deeper meaning behind those words. At this moment, however, it did not matter. I was safe, I was nestled close to Aroki’s side and I was happy and content.
“Good. So will I.” I managed to whisper before sleep claimed me at last.


I woke hours later in my own bed at the stronghold, covers tucked carefully around me. I could not for the life of me remember how I had gotten there, but I figured that Aroki must have carried me up sometime after I had fallen asleep. I smiled a little at that, warmth spreading through my chest. He had come to my rescue yet again. How many times had he brought me out of the darkness that threatened to consume me again and again? Too many. Not enough. But he did not complain. He would do it again, I knew, and if the roles had been reversed I would have done it for him. He would always be there for me; my best friend, my rock and lifeline…and in some respects; my saviour.


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