
I woke with a start, my chest and heart felt like they were being crushed in a vice. It hurt so much. I tried to take a few steadying breaths, to force air into my constricted lungs. Slowly I regained the capacity to breathe, to think. To remember. Not that it did me any good,... Continue Reading →

The Beginning of Dreams Pt.1

I couldn't believe my eyes. I stared at the thick parchment lying on the kitchen table in disbelief. It could not possibly be true, could it? With a trembling hand I reached for it, but my mother was quicker. With a swift movement she picked up the letter and began to read. "In'elah shan're,We are... Continue Reading →

By Heart

13th of Curuhen In’elah dalah’surfal, We are besieged at Nijel’s Point. The undead swarmed all over us upon our arrival and we fought desperately to keep from being overrun. We managed to beat them back eventually and with no casualties. Some wounded though, myself included. There is no need for you to worry, as my... Continue Reading →

The Moontide Vow

Zin-Azshari, ~ 10 000 years ago Excitement and anticipation buzzed through my veins the closer we got to Zin-Azshari and by the time we reached the gates, it felt like my entire body was humming like restless bees. The towering buildings with their pearlescent domed roofs and graceful spires reminded me of Suramar, but somehow... Continue Reading →

With Perfect Clarity

The Jade Forest, year 34 ADP The little hill we trudged up was not particularly high or steep, but it did offer a marvellous view of the monastery grounds. I could easily see the various shrines and training grounds, as well as the guest lodgings and the marketplace. Surrounding it all was the lush greenery... Continue Reading →

Let It Be Me

The Jade Forest, year 34 ADP This vacation in the Jade Forest had been very strange. Not necessarily a bad strange, but strange all the same. I had truly enjoyed my time so far and even Aroki seemed to have relaxed his guard a lot more than usual, which was both refreshing and heartwarming to... Continue Reading →

Free Fall

The Jade Forest, year 34 ADP I had been with Aroki in Pandaria for five days already and each day the burdens that weighed on my shoulders back home were pushed further and further from my mind. It had been a marvellous time so far. We had visited pretty orchards, explored Paw’don village, visited the... Continue Reading →

Shattered Mirror

Suramar, ~10 000 years ago “Look at her…” “Do you see the stains on her hands?” “Goddess, can’t she ever clean up?” “Why the Priestesses ever let her near anything made of Mooncloth I will never understand, not with those dirty paws on her.” “Her hands are not the worst part. Did you see her... Continue Reading →

Help Me, Help You

Feralas, year 34 ADP It had been one of those evenings where absolutely everything went wrong, time and time again. Everything I touched or tried to build just broke into a million pieces and there was no chance for me to put them back together again. Frustrated and hurting, I sought a place where I... Continue Reading →


Feralas, year 34 ADP I was back in Ashenvale again. The ground beneath and around me was drenched in blood, stained a dark purple that was bordering on black, and the cloying scent of it made me want to gag. Something heavy was weighing me down, preventing me from moving. I looked around frantically, my... Continue Reading →

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